TimeWorks Delay 6022 1.0 is a plug-in that helps to delay time and spin. The plug-in features high-frequency damping on the delay part, independent for each channel. It has independent delay time, feedback gain and delay gain for each channel. The "Ganging" option helps to adjust both channels simultaneously and easily.
The application has real-time previews, which is dependent of the hosting application. It is fast, reliable, and used like any hardware unit, complete with analogue-style meter. The program is compatible with all applications with DirectX (ActiveMovie) plug support. It supports all frame rates. It does not require any specialized DSP hardware.
It works with any application which supports DirectX plug-in (Wavelab 3, Cubase VST 3.55, Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.01, Cool Edit Pro 1.0, Sound Forge 4.0c, ACID, Samplitude 2496). It has a 64-bit internal precision along with individual Left/Right faders to control delay time and spin (feedback). The delay times are up to 1.5 seconds and the tone controls are present for each channel. It also features metering of input/output or delay levels.
The plug-in helps the user to control delay time as well as spin with precision and efficiency.